15 dakikalik bir garnitur tarifi ariyorsaniz, bu tam size gore bir sey.
Ozellikle et yemeklerinin yaninda kullanmak icin cok basarili bir tercih.
Ayrica Kuskonmazin yararlari icin: http://www.asparagus.com/
If you're looking for an easy and delicious vegi dish this is just the thing for you. It goes great with meat dishes. You can use this dish as a snack. (I think it's perfect for beer.) And Asparagus is a great vegetable... (for more information visit: http://www.asparagus.com/ )
Asparagus (I usually use 1 bunch)
1/2 to 1 lemon's juice
Oregano leaves (About 1 table spoon)
Salt (About 1 table spoon)
Garlic/ Garlic Salt/ Garlic Powder (About 1 table spoon)
1/2 to 1 onion
Red Crushed Peppers (Half a table spoon)
Paprika (about half a table spoon)
Black Pepper (about a quarter of a table spoon)
1 Table spoon olive oil
1/2 to 1 cup vinegar
Cut the back ends of the asparagus (about 1 inch) and wash them thoroughly. Then put them in a large bowl and add water and the cup of vinegar you have. (This will help you to kill the germs and also have the taste of vinegar)
Cut your onion in half (you can use both halves or just one half depending on how much you like onion.) and slice it vertically. I prefer my slices thin but you can cut them as thick as you like.
Put your olive oil in a large frying pan or a pot and wait for a minute or so.
Then add your asparagus bunch which was lying in the vinegar-water solution. You can rinse your asparagus or leave it as it is before putting it to the pot.
Stir the asparagus and watch it's color turning to a brighter green. Add your spices (oregano leaves, red crushed peppers, paprika, black pepper) and garlic/ garlic powder and salt. You can add the spices as you like. I like this dish spicy but if you don't like spice too much, you can reduce the amount of spices.
One other thing is I don't add salt if I am using garlic salt instead of garlic powder. You can crush your own garlic too. But if you're not using garlic salt, don't forget to add some salt to your dish.
After adding your spices, put the onions to your pot and add the juice of half a lemon or 1 lemon (I usually add the juice of half of a lemon to 1 bunch). This juice will make it easier for you to blend your spices to your asparagus and add a nice sourly flavor to your dish.
Stir everything together for about 15 mins or so to mix them well. In about 15 min.s your dish will be ready to serve.
This dish goes great with all kinds of meat/ meat dishes, plain yogurt and pita bread. I like it very much as a snack while I am drinking beer.
It's a very easy vegi dish that goes great with all sorts of occasions.
Enjoy and Afiyet olsun :)
- Kuskonmaz (istenilen miktarda)
- En az 1 corba kasigi limon suyu (Ben 2 resimde gorulen miktar icin 1 tam limonun suyunu kullandim)
- Kekik
- Kirmizi pul biber (Crushed Red Pepper)
- Yarim beyaz sogan
- 1 corba kasigi zeytin yagi (Istege gore daha cok konulabilir)
- Sarimsak tozu/ Sarimsak tuzu/ Gercek sarimsak (Garlic Powder/ Garlic Salt/Garlic)
- Tuz (miktari istege gore degisiyor)
- Sirke
- Kuskonmazlarin en altindaki kalin bolumlerinden 2-3 parmak kadar kesin.
- Kesilmis kuskonmazlari yikayin ve bir kabin icinde sirkeli suya koyun.( Bu asama istege bagli ama tavsiye ediyorum. Sirkeli suda 5 dk kadar durmalari bile yeterli. Asil amac mikroplar kirilsin. Ama kuskonmazlarinizin cok hafif bir sirke tadini almasina da yardimci oluyor. Sudan aldiktan sonra durulayabilirsiniz. )
- Kuskonmazlariniz sudayken biryandan tencerenizde/tavanizda zeytinyaginda ince ince, boyuna kesilmis yarim soganinizi kavurun. (Maximum 2 dk.) Ancak pembelesene kadar BEKLEMEYIN. Zira kuskonmazlara tadini ve kokusunu vermesini istiyoruz.
Eger gercek sarimsak kullaniyorsaniz, sarimsaklari da bu kavurma islemine dahil edebilirsiniz.
- Kuskonmazlarinizi kavurmakta oldugunuz soganlara ekleyin ve ustune limon suyunu ve eger sarimsak tozu ya da sarimsak tuzu (Garlic Powder veya Garlic Salt) kullaniyorsaniz onu da ekleyin. Eger gercek sarimsak kullandiysaniz tuzu bu asamada ekleyebilirsiniz.
- Butun kuskonmazlarin sogan, sarimsak, limon suyu ve tuzdan nasibini almasini saglayacak sekilde karistirin.
- Kekik ve kirmizi biberinizi ekleyin ve karistirarak pisirmaye devam edin.
- Soganlariniz yumusamaya basladiginda yemeginiz hazir olmaya yaklasmis demektir.
Ortalama 15(Kuskonmazlarin biraz daha yumusak olmasini istiyorsaniz 20 dk.) orta ateste arasira karistirip bahartlari ve limon suyunu ve yagini emmesini saglayarak pisirin.
Sicak ya da soguk servis yapabilirsiniz.
Etlerin yanina, pideyle birlikte ya da lavas icine sarilarak yenilebilir.
Afiyet Olsun..