2 cups of semolina
1 stick of unsalted butter (you can use 1 cup of corn oil or vegetable oil if you don't have / don't wanna use butter)
2 cups of milk
2 cups of water
2 cups of sugar (you can use 3 cups if you like..)
1/4 cups of pine nuts (optional)
Boil the water and mix it with the milk and the sugar in a large bowl. Stir if necessary to make sure your sugar dissolves as much as possible.
While this mixture is sitting around, melt the butter in a deep sauce non-stick pan and put the pine nuts after the butter melts down.. Stir them with the butter and see their color turn into golden-brown. (Don't let their color get a darker shade because they burn quickly.)
As soon as your pine nuts are golden-brown in color, add your semolina and stir it well with the oil/butter. Make sure your semolina is mixed well with the oil. (i.e. every single grain should meet the oil/ butter.) Keep stirring it in medium heat until your semolina has a nice brown shade. Make sure you get the brown shade (a little darker than golden brown this time!) otherwise the halva would not be as good.
After you see your semolina had the brown shade, add the milk-sugar-water mixture that you put aside at the beginning and stir well to mix everything together.
In the meantime, everything should come to boil by the time you make sure everything is mixed well. After it comes to a boil, decrease the heat to the lowest you can. (I use 2 for electric stoves.)
And put the lid of your pan on and wait for the halva to absorb the milk and water. Check frequently to see how fast the water-milk is absorbed.
If you cannot see the water over the semolina anymore, that means it's time to start stirring it. Keep stirring the halva until you see all the water is absorbed. (This shouldn't take more than 10min.s)
After all the water is absorbed, turn off the heat, put a paper towel between the lid and the pan and let the halva wait for 3 min.s.
It's better served hot and with ground cinnamon on top.. (You can use chopped walnuts or hazelnuts if you wanna try something new..) Afiyet olsun :)
Bu tarif annemin irmik helvasi tarifinin bir versiyonu... Ben irmik helvasini biraz daha az seker ve yag kullanarak yapmayi tercih ediyorum. Eminim siz de ayni tarifin baska versiyonlarini biliyorsunuzdur.. Benim versiyonum soyle:
Malzemeler: 1 su bardağı irmik
2 yemek kaşığı tereyağ (Zor durumlarda 1/2 bardak misirozu yagi da kullanilabilir.)
1 su bardagi sut
1 su bardagi su
1 veya 1 + 1/4 su bardağı şeker
1 corba kasigi dolmalik fistik
Suyu kaynatip sekerin ustune dokerek sekerin olabildigince erimesini saglayin. Bu karisima sutu de ekleyip bir kenarda bekletin.
Teflon tencereye yagi ve fistiklari koyun ve fistiklar pembelesinceye kadar fistiklari yagda kavurun. (Pembeden kahverengiye cok donmesinler, cunku resimdekiler gibi yanabilirler...) Fistiklar pembelesince irmigi ekleyin ve irmigin her tanesinin yaga degdiginden emin olacak sekilde irmigi de kavurun.
Irmik kahverengimsi bir renk alana kadar kavurmaya devam edin zira irmik kahverengiye donmeden kavurmayi birakirsaniz helvaniz bulamac gibi olacaktir. Kivaminin iyi olmasi icin irmigin iyi kavruldugundan emin olun.
Irmik kavrulduktan sonra ustune sut, su ve sekerle yaptigimiz karisimi dokun. Bu sulu, sutlu sekerli karisimin kaynadigini gordugumuzde ocagin altina en kisiga alip pilav yapar gibi ustunu kapatip suyunu almasini bekleyin.
Arada gidip suyunu ne kadar cektigini kontrol edin. suyunun hemen hepsini cektigini gordugunuzde karistirarak helvanin butun suyunu cekmesini saglayin. (Bu karistirma sureci 10 dk.dan fazla surmez genellikle.)
Helvanin suyunu cektigini gordukten sonra tencere ile kapagi arasina bir kagit havlu koyarak kapagini kapatin ve 3 dk kadar helvayi dinlendirin.
Helvaniz dinlendikten sonra ustune tarcin dokerek (istege gore cekilmis findik, ceviz vs. de kullanilabilir..) ve sicak olarak servis ediniz. Afiyet olsun :)