8 cups of milk (= 1 liter = 33 fl oz.)
2 cups of semolina
5 gr (0.2 oz ) vanilla powder
2 cups of water
2 cups of sugar (my mom puts 3-4 cups of sugar but I prefer 2)
Put semolina, sugar and vanilla to a large pot and add the water and milk on this mixture.
Stir constantly until it comes to a boil. (It should look ticker as in the picture.)
After it comes to a boil. Wash/rinse 2 medium size bowls and leave them wet. Pour the mixture to the wet bowls and wait until they cool down.
After they cool down, put them to the fridge for 4 hours or so.
Since your bowls were wet, you can easily get the dessert out on a plate by putting the bowl on your plate upside down. You can put some cinnamon and crushed walnuts on it.
Afiyet olsun :)
1 litre (4 su bardagi) sut
1 bardak su
1 bardak irmik
1 bardak seker (Annem 1,5 -2 bardak seker)
1 paket sekerli vanilin
Tarcin ve kirilmis ceviz
Once seker, irmik ve vanilini bir tencereye koyun ustune sutu ve suyu da ekleyin. Kaynayana kadar surekli karistirarak pisirin. (Kaynadiginida ikinci resimdeki gibi daha yogun bir hal alacaktir.)
Kaynadiktan sonra 2 orta boy tasi islayin ve islak birakin. Islak taslarin icine kaynamis olan tatlinizi dokun. Disarida sogumaya birakin. Iyce soguduktan sonra buzdolabinda 4 saat kadar bekletin.
Taslari islamis oldugunuz icin, taslarin altina bir tabak koyup ters cevirirseniz tatliniz guzelce tabaga cikacaktir. Ustune tarcin ve ceviz kirigi koyabilirsiniz.
Afiyet olsun..:)
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