A very easy, good looking, healthy dish that takes about 20 min.s to cook. I made it up and people seem to like it :)
1 lbs beef
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 tea spoon Garlic / garlic powder
1 tea spoon black pepper
1 tea spoon salt
1 table spoon vegetable oil
*You can add different colored peppers, jalapeno peppers or increase the amounts of materials
as you wish.
Before you begin cooking, chop your beef and bell peppers as thin stripes.
After you cut all the beef and the peppers, put the vegetable oil to a large frying pan or a pot and cook your meat thoroughly.
You can add garlic powder/ garlic and your black pepper as you cook your meat. When your meat release its juice and begin absorbing it back, add some salt and the bell peppers you've cut to your pot/pan. You can add some jalapeno peppers if you want to spice up your dish. ( Or you can add crushed red peppers.)
After you add your peppers you can add some more garlic powder and stir and leave the peppers in the pot (with medium heat) for about 10-15 min.s. If you want your peppers crisp, you can cook them less. You can add some more salt while you're cooking your peppers.
Then your dish will be ready. It goes great with pita
bread and plain yogurt.
Afiyet Olsun :)
1/2 kilo biftek
3 tatli kirmizi etli biber
3 carliston biber
1 dis sarimsak sarimsak/ sarimsak tozu
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 tatli kasigi karabiber
1 corba kasigi misirozu yagi
*Istege gore aci yesil biber de ekleyebilirsiniz, ve tuz, biber vb. miktarlarini isteginize gore ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Biftekleri ve biberleri serit serit dograyin. Malzemeleri dogradiktan sonra genisce bir tavaya ya da yayvan bir tencereye yaginizi koyup etlerinizi pisirin.
Etlerinizi pisirirken sarimsak tozunu/sarimsagi ekleyin. Etler kendi suyunu salip, tekrar toplamaya baslayincaya kadar tuzunu eklemeyin. Etler suyunu tamamen cekmeden tuzunu ekleyin ve biberleri de tavaya/tencereye koyun.
Biberleri koyduktan sonra 10-15 dk daha orta ateste yemeginizi karistirin. Biberlerinizi diri istiyorsaniz daha az pisirin.
Boylece yemeginiz tamamlanmistir :)
Afiyet olsun :)
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