Friday, December 09, 2011

Cranberry Sauce/ Turnayemişi Sosu

I made my very first cranberry sauce at home and I take pride in my work.
It is so delicious and took me 15 min.s !! So easy!
Here we go:
whole cranberries (24 ounces,  I used 2 bags)
2 cups white sugar (for 1 bag use 1 cup)
2 cups of orange juice (for 1 bag use 1 cup)


In a large saucepan dissolve the sugar in the orange juice.
 Once the sugar is dissolved add the cranberries and boil them all (over medium heat!) until the cranberries start to pop.
 I covered the pan because cranberries do pop and I didn't want pink stains on the counter.

After boiling for 15 min.s it was ready. Note that 15 min.s makes is for a jelly-like cranberry sauce, if you want it a bit more runny try boiling for 10 min.s.
Afiyet olsun.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Homemade unleavened bread/ Mayasiz Ekmek

I tried a very easy and delicious recipe this morning.
I found it here:
and tried the first one. Here's the outcome:

It certainly tastes yummy. Afiyet olsun.
Mayasiz Ekmek
Yapimi cok kolay ve lezzeti pek yerinde olmustur.
Tarifi soyle:

3 kahve fincani dolu dolu un
2 corba kasigi sivi ya da kati yag (ben zeytinyagi koydum, pek basarili oldu)
3 yumurta
3/4 kahve fincani su ya da sut
1 tatli kasigi (silme) tuz

Once unu ve tuzu karistirin, yumurtalari ayri bir kapta 2-3 dakika cirpin. 
Sonra unu ve yumurtalari su/sut ile karistirip yine 2-3 dakika (ve topaklari gidene kadar ) karistirin.
Hafif yogun bir kek hamuru gibi olmasi lazim.
Altini yagladiginiz kucuk kare bir tepsiye koyun.
Tercihen onceden isitilmis 220-225 (450 f) firinda ustu pembelesinceye kadar pisirin. (20 dk kadar)

Afiyet olsun.