Friday, December 09, 2011

Cranberry Sauce/ Turnayemişi Sosu

I made my very first cranberry sauce at home and I take pride in my work.
It is so delicious and took me 15 min.s !! So easy!
Here we go:
whole cranberries (24 ounces,  I used 2 bags)
2 cups white sugar (for 1 bag use 1 cup)
2 cups of orange juice (for 1 bag use 1 cup)


In a large saucepan dissolve the sugar in the orange juice.
 Once the sugar is dissolved add the cranberries and boil them all (over medium heat!) until the cranberries start to pop.
 I covered the pan because cranberries do pop and I didn't want pink stains on the counter.

After boiling for 15 min.s it was ready. Note that 15 min.s makes is for a jelly-like cranberry sauce, if you want it a bit more runny try boiling for 10 min.s.
Afiyet olsun.


Cat said...

do you know if i can find cranberries in turkey??? i've seen dried cranberries at a Kipa in Muğla... but i am living in Ankara. wanted to make cranberry sauce for thanksgiving dinner here but not sure i'll be able to find cranberries...

yesilkebelek said...

after 5 years I see this comment..
Just so it's on the record, my mom always lets dried fruits sit in water overnight when she is working with them to make preserves.. Maybe that trick would work?
I am so sorry I missed this for 5 years..